16 min readFeb 21, 2018

Balkancoin — The future is now

Our basic idea of which we have been actively working for several years now and the last 2017 with maximum intensity, was to create a currency that will come from the people and it will be for the people. Simple and functional.

Donation hash : @everyone Cryptonight hash donation server is live. In order to donate hash connect to server on port 4444. Use your Discord username as your wallet and put any password you like. Example for donating hash with AMD XMR Miner: AMDXMRMiner -p -w zlatkomajstor -psw amd


With this in mind, we tried to create a currency that will satisfy the needs of all users and the whole community associated with the Balkancoin. Not even once we thought about profit to be our main goal, but like our many successful projects, always the main goal is the best user experience.

We think in general that money should never be a cause, but a consequence of the hard work and the quality of the project.

This idea will be our guide for the realization of the project.

We have no illusions that Balkancoin is a unique currency in its nature, it is neither the best currency in the world, nor do we want to compete with all the other more than a thousand currencies that currently exist and perhaps will be many more in the future. In its purpose, application and use of the Balkancoin doesn’t differ from any other currency.

And why would it differ? When an idea (blockchain technology and Bitcoin as its first and most popular child) which basically is genius, is realized almost perfectly, a real demagogy would be to claim that our currency is unique (and which statement is not missing in almost any other cryptocurrencies).

Our main goal is to develop at least some awareness to people for decentralized thinking, to escape the control clamps, to take responsibilities for their actions, and at least in this world to feel free and uncontrolled by anyone.


Name: Balkancoin
Symbol: BKC
Algorithm: Cryptonight
Block time: 30 seconds
Maturity: 10 confirmations
Difficulty: Retarget each block
Divisible up to: Up to 8 decimal places
Emission: Infinite, initial supply — 690 million BKC.
Block reward: ~ 82 BKC
Minimal block reward: 1 BKC.

Windows GUI wallets:

Windows 64 bit and Linux CLI wallets:



Block explorers:

Official Media:


Her majesty — Cryptocurrency

When the bitcoin appeared for the first time in 2009, not too many people could guess that the cryptocurrency market will explode through the next few years, and that for more than 8 years it will cost over 20000 dollars. Beside the bitcoin, today there are so many others cryptocurrencies, which are also called alternative and are used for various purposes and which values vary all the time based on their offer and demand on the global crypto stock market.

However, it seems that the so-called “insidious” presence of the payment systems in all states is not the only revolutionary thing that is happening to us. Not even the payment method that drives crazy all the banks across the world are as revolutionary as they seem, but it is about the cryptocurrency technology, which has changed the global economy and something even more important is the “threat” to modify the modern communications and financial flows.

During all these years many experts in the field of advanced information technologies tried to explain how the cryptocurrency worked, but with no big success. People are generally close-minded when it comes to the use of the cryptocurrency. They are basically attached to the traditional ways of financial transactions, such as paying in cash or with a credit card.

It looks like people, even the financial institutions, have not recovered yet from the “shock” they had from the use of the internet technology in the banking and generally throughout the whole financial sphere. Nowadays, modern trade is far more complex than it used to be before the appearance of the internet. Practically, anyone can trade with anyone, anywhere and anytime. In order to approve the transactions more easily we rely on governments and banks or the so-called third parties and authorities. All information for the transactions is held in super protected servers, which are updated with the newest software and mainly are unavailable to the general public.

In one of these seemingly “relaxed situation” we have a guest — Her Majesty — cryptocurrency or for better understanding the bitcoin (although we should not equalize these two terms). In this case, banks are all the million computers across the world, which are connected through the internet. These computers are called nodes. Not even that these computers mark all transactions between all participants which are involved in the trade, but what more important is that these transactions are public and can be checked whenever. Of course, there are no names, addresses, phone numbers etc., but each participant is identified by the unique wallet number. This means that all data is recorded in a perfect way, but at the same time all our personal data is protected. In fact, the address is a combination of small and capital letters and numbers, which do not associate anyway to the identity of the participant. Once given address of the wallet is unique all over the world (and beyond) and cannot be assigned to anyone else — ever.

The question pops up: What will happen if a computer stops working? The answer is simple — nothing. All information for the transaction is kept in a distributed network (ledger), which is provided with help of distributed chain, called blockchain. The method of adding the transactions in this chain is performed by certain algorithms (for example, the bitcoin is SHA256 algorithm), as well based on certain functions, which are also called hash functions (but this is more of a professional aspect that we will not elaborate here). With help of these algorithms and functions, the transactions are enrolled (added) in the chain in blocks, in a way that is impossible to prepare a reversible function. This means that if we know the output quantity, based on it, there is no way to find out the input information, which in fact is the main goal and characteristic of the cryptography, from where the name of these currencies derives.

All transactions (blocks) are not downloading from a web server as it is done with regular use of internet on a daily basis, where the data are downloaded from one central server, but the downloading is at the same time with the other participants in the network across the world (something like peer to peer communication). This way each transaction or block is synchronized at every participant-node. For example, if we have 100 million participants in the network (miners, web developers, wallets, markets etc.) all of them own a complete copy of the chain and synchronize after the principle of the peer to peer communication.


This is how a network is formed, which is distributed to all participants within the network and when it is about the bitcoin. As we already said, the blockchain contains blocks, which beside the information for the transactions also contain much other information for the previous transactions, as well as referent connection with the previous bock(s), this way making a chain — from where the name itself derives. All nodes, participants in the network, own a complete copy of this chain. In order to verify a transaction, highly sophisticated mathematical principles are used, as well as algorithms and operations that are performed by certain participants in the network, called Miners.

Verifying the transactions and the blocks, in fact, means that the nodes match automatically with the current blockchain by the principle of consensus. If anyone tries to enter an invalid transaction or to change any transaction, the nodes will not come to a consensus and those transactions will not be added to the chain. Every block contains data for the previous blocks and transactions, so it is impossible (or completely unprofitable) to make modification to some of the previous blocks or transactions. This means that for a change of a previous block, all following blocks in the chain should be also changed, and at the same time the whole computer power is bigger than that one of the other participants in the network. This possibility is smaller than the one that in the next 2 seconds the Earth will be destroyed by a meteor. Bearing in mind that generating each block means a huge amount of energy consumed in the mining, even the attempt to corrupt a transaction is unthinkable.

This way all participants — nodes give a certain stamp, confirming that all transactions and blocks, which are added to the chain, are valid and correct. What is even more important in the whole story is that all of this is decentralized and that even the author himself has no control and cannot change it. Thus, it is certain that all participants have access to a unique and reliable source of information. Also, for keeping the network in condition, there is an award for all participants, which is given for each generated block (currently it is 12.5 bitcoins for one block). The award is distributed to all participants (miners), depending on the share they had at the time the block was generated (found). This way, every moment a certain number of bitcoins is circulating in the network, which prevents internal inflation.

From all of the above-said it appears that for blockchain technology, the bitcoin is less important, meaning it is just one kind of blockchain technology application, which is much wider than the financial one. The software is not interested on how much dollars or euros are one bitcoin worth. Each bitcoin is containing 100 million units, called Satoshi after the name of the founder. Each part of these 100 million units can be programed and identified. This means that every participant can program each of these units to represent cent, dollar, kilowatt hour of electric energy, address, phone number, digital certificate and much more. This way the bitcoin can indicate many other kinds of properties.

At the end we can conclude that the use of this technology can be found in different spheres outside the cryptocurrency. For example, companies can program the budget for various needs, as employee salaries, material cost, sales etc. The work in many state institutions, such as cadasters, statistics, elections etc. can be improved, so the corruption of the state apparatus would be significantly reduced. Having in mind the three major advantages in terms of ordinary database, and they are: it is completely decentralized — it is not controlled by third parties (states, goverments); security is at the highest level and almost impossible to corrupt (in fact, from the first appearance on the market there is not one of hacking); and the transactions are taking place almost in real-time, blockchain technology is considered to be introduced by some of the largest banks in the world. Isn’t it hypocritical?

Bearing in mind that nowadays many people have very powerful devices in their pockets, using the Blockchain technology they could contribute a lot and form a completely new decentralized internet.
Although all of these ideas and resumes are still impossible to be implemented due to the insufficient development and interest in the blockchain technology (which is perfectly fine for some people), it is certain that in future, many of the devices that we use will work on software based on the Blockchain technology and of course it will find much bigger application that is well deserved anyway

What is Balkancoin?

Every successful project begins with a great idea, a small amount of money and hundreds of sleepless nights. That is exactly what happened with our project — Balkan coin. We are a group of developers, marketing workers and web developers from the Balkans, which were dedicated to this idea several years ago, but the final realization came at the end of 2017, which on the other hand proved to be a boom year for all other crypto currencies, especially for the Bitcoin, ethereum monero etc.

In the background of this idea, the need of a sophisticated way to connect all people who originate from this part of the world — the Balkan Peninsula, was dragged as a thread. As most people know, the Balkans is a region which is located in the southeastern part of Europe and which in the past was the center of world’s greatest interests, starting with the Crusades, the Balkan Wars, World War I and World War II. The oldest crossroads in the mankind history pass through the Balkan, it is the cradle of the oldest civilizations, and of course, there are many great names that origin from this peninsula, such as Alexander the Great and Nikola Tesla. As a geographical area with such turbulent and significant history, the Balkan has left a trace in the genes of all people who originate from this part of the world.

The Balkan man is probably a combination of the most controversial features of every person (hospitality, cordiality, friendliness, hard work, but also selfishness, belligerence, enraged, vulgarity, low self-esteem etc.). The countries that gravitate in this region are almost without exception led by incompetent people whose only goal in life is to get rich on the back of the citizens, disregarding the basic human freedom and the right of each individual, and that is perhaps the karma of this region remaining from the past.

A man who originates from the Balkan, who possesses these features, can easily adapt to any living conditions in different geographical areas. Therefore, the number of people of this part of the world who are looking for better future is huge, so they quite often decide to leave their homes and seek their existence in other more prosperous countries.

On the other hand, the Balkan man is emotionally attached and committed to his family. He always tries to find a way to help his loved ones who still live in the countries of this region. Tens of billions of dollars are sent each year from “our” people from the more economically developed countries to their close relatives and friends. They have a significant role in reducing the deficit in the economy in almost all Balkan countries through foreign exchange remittance. For example, in Macedonia only, these remittances are approximately 1 billion dollars. All the transactions are carried out through banks or through fast money transfer services. Both of them are quite slow and burdened by large commissions that end up in the bank accounts.

Having this in mind, our idea was born — Balkancoin. Every person from any place on the globe, even broader if it has internet connection, can send a value personified in Balkan coins to any person in the Balkan and anywhere in world (in fact, this is the main goal of the crypto-currency)

Why Balkancoin?

The long-standing experience of the developer’s team (certainly incorporating all the achievements in the cryptocurrency field of which even the greatest experts came to), may not be a guarantee for the development of this cryptocurrency, but it certainly provides a solid base for its rise and finding a well-deserved place in the cryptocurrency world.

What makes this cryptocurrency interesting for deposit and trading is the great commitment of the team of developers who are from various fields, the involvement of many other profiles of people, who are enthusiastically included in the project, such as information science students, professors, civil society, non-governmental organizations and ordinary people who believe in the technology behind this cryptocurrency. The technical background that we will elaborate in the following text for the Balkancoin is another guarantee for the reliability and the strength of the Balkancoin.

Of course, what has been listed so far has no effect if we are not open to criticism, suggestions, indications for any aspect of the currency, we are also open to social media, forums, magazines, web portals and all media for communication and presentation. We are also willing to corporate with all other developers and people who want to join this project.

In the next stages of the currency implementation, we will provide one more important feature, which in fact is the humanitarian character of the coin. We predict, of course based on given criteria, that part of the funds that would be collected in form of fee of the transactions, in the future will be donated to socially vulnerable groups (which by the way are many in the Balkans and beyond), as well for one-time payment in certain natural disasters and catastrophes.

Uniqueness of Balkancoin

But who told that Balkancoin is a unique currency in its nature, or Balkancoin project must somehow be special?

“It is neither the best currency in the world, nor do we want to compete with all the other more than a thousand currencies that currently exist and perhaps will be many more in the future.
In its purpose, creation and use of the Balkancoin doesn’t differ from any other currency. And why would it differ? When an idea (blockchain technology and Bitcoin as its first and most popular child) which basically is genius, is realized almost perfectly, a real demagogy would be to claim that our currency is unique or our project is special in this manner. And you’ll agree this statement is not missing in almost any other cryptocurrencies.”

But are they special? How are they special?
If anyone on this forum knows some crypto which has special (unique) project except maybe BTC but in its initial form, and he is able to explain in whole crypto-community why that project is special, then you should be ready to know how our project is the most influential crypto-project ever.
Until that happens, we will never deceive our esteemed members that our project is unique or special. We are fully committed to this project but only with our sincerity and work. We deeply believe that only in this way can we create a real Balkancoin community. If that happens, then we will be proud of what we have done together. It will be our reward, and then the Balkancoin project will be special and unique. This isn’t our project anymore. Now this is your project. We are only participants in the project, just like you. The only thing we can promise you — we will never give up.
Everyone wants to hear that a project is unique and reliable, and especially if it is stated by “experts” or developers. These statements are most often used as an alibi for wrongly invested money. You will not get alibi here
If you are looking for something else — there are thousands of other projects. Finally the choice is always yours.


We know that mining is one (if not the most important) link in the process of functioning of each crypto-currency. As bigger the number of miners gets, as more the reliability increases and the confidence and the consistence of the coin itself as well as the entire network. The transactions are taking place easier, the transactions are more reliable, and the overall synchronization between the wallets. That is exactly why our motto is “miners never enough”. Therefore, we are ready to meet all those who want to participate in our project through mining, all that with one goal — to eliminate all dilemmas and suspicions about whether to mine this coin or not.

Mining the Balkancoin is very simple. For those who are new to the mining and those who want to join our project, we will first explain how to download and install our Balkancoin wallet. The wallet can be downloaded on the following link — to choose a version (32 or 64 bit). Once you install the wallet following the instructions, you can see your address at the top of your account, which in fact is that large array of letters and numbers that begins with bkc (so, that is your address). You can start using your account for mining right away, no matter that you have to wait your wallet to be synchronized with the block chain, i.e. with the decentralized database that contains the information for all the existing blocks, transactions etc.

We have anticipated mining directly through our wallet only using the power of your processor. Here you have two options, to mine on pool or solo mining. Have on mind that mining with your processor is not too effective because of the small power of the processor compared to the graphics cards and it can have some benefits only at the initial stages of the mining when the difficulty is very low. However, it is good to try mining this way, all that with a goal to understand how the whole process of mining is working.

We also offer a unique experience for all those experienced miners who possess powerful mining rigs with graphic cards. Bearing on mind that the average time to find a block is about 30 seconds and the value of the award at this time is approximately 82 coins, Balkancoin becomes a crypto currency in which at this moment it is worth investing through the mining.
Keep in mind that at this point the coin is not officially placed on any market (but it’s working on its appearance on several established markets), the Balkancoin has relatively minor difficulties with the mining, it can easily become a “target” for a relatively short time to powerful miners from all around the world.

Happy Mining!

Pool list:

All given examples are for mining on the pool on port 5585. If you wish to mine on other pool you have to replace with your favorite pool.

AMD Mining

If you mine with AMD Graphic cards we recommend AMDXMR Miner.

Your start bat file should look like this:
AMDXMRMiner -p -w bkc1mLi1K7g1qwjMQXchUZNmnVHZKeFskCFPBEMafDibZ1bUSRYtfnjG5fQYmSyQdbE1RhSquvo2X3CYenvdzhQh98wW7vfYw1 -psw x

Do not forget to edit bat file and replace given example address with your wallet address.

Nvidia Mining

If you mine with NVIDIA Graphic cards you can use CCMINER.

Your start bat file should look like this:
ccminer-x64 -a cryptonight -o stratum+tcp:// -u bkc1mLi1K7g1qwjMQXchUZNmnVHZKeFskCFPBEMafDibZ1bUSRYtfnjG5fQYmSyQdbE1RhSquvo2X3CYenvdzhQh98wW7vfYw1 -p x

Do not forget to edit bat file and replace given example address with your wallet address.

You can use also XMRIG-NVIDIA. If this a case you should edit config file with any text editor and replace given example wallet address with your wallet address.


Donation addresses:

Bitcoin: 1Pj5EMpHuTmYdFV8gkXqTsCK8XtJY55zcs

Litecoin: LSbdMrLFo93MGuV3GqfA8R8nZGiVBytvSh

Dogecoin: DB1ihqiaPACVS2D6X4xuRhkbu34qGtySoQ

